Happy New Year – A Message from Paul Bunyan MD


Happy New Year to all our staff and their families.

We have just celebrated 50 years of being in business. We hope that you enjoyed the events that we arranged last year.

As you probably know we are in the process of renovating and moving into our new offices. We are hoping that we will be in the new premises by the end of January. We will keep you posted regarding its progress.

We have also been in the process of moving and setting up the new Training Centre in the same building as the new offices.

We have also opened a new Control Panel Workshop and will be shortly launching a new Control Panel website.

Yearly overview, business development and future direction

In 2023 we have developed new business with Valero, National Gas Transmission and United Utilities to name but a few.

We have also continued to maintain and develop our business in Dow Silicone, Tata Steel, BOC, Cabot, Trostre and developed our company further in the Water Industries with continuing successful contracts with Thames and Wessex Water.

We are currently looking to build and develop our business throughout the country with similar types of company’s during 2024 and we have recently developed a new five year plan to help the company maintain the direction it’s progressing in.

We will keep you posted with future newsletters on the company’s development.

Once again we’d like to wish all our staff and their families a great new year.